
Welcome to Copenhagen Neuromuscular Center (CNMC) at Rigshospitalet

The neuromuscular clinic and research unit at Rigshospitalet was founded in 1998. It now has a staff of approximately 35 fulltime employees. The common goal of the center is to excel in diagnostics, treatment and research and innovation for persons affected by neuromuscular diseases. To achieve these goals, the neuromuscular center has close national and international collaborations with other professionals and patient organizations. CNMC at Rigshospitalet has a large outpatient clinic, which takes care of diagnostics and treatment of neuromuscular diseases. Embedded in the clinic is a clinical trial unit that runs many clinical trials in corporation with pharmaceutical industries, testing new drugs for treatment of patients with a variety of neuromuscular diseases. CNMC also has a large diagnostic and research lab, which runs diagnostic tests (muscle pathology, protein expression etc.) on patients with muscle diseases, and conducts basic and clinical research and development in the field. Staff and work assignments across the different groups of CNMC are highly overlapping.